Physical Science - 9th grade

WEEK 3 -(4/6/20 - 4/10/20)
I hope this e-mail finds you and your family doing well. I hope to see you all soon.
Week 3 assignment:
    -   Google
    -   Once you have located the web-site - click on COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS
    -  Scroll down (way down) to SCIENCE GRADES 9-12 and click on tab
    - Locate the Physical Science program and click on tab.
    - Locate and click on Reading and Study Guide Workbook.
    - Go to the 1st subject    Motion  and click
Now that you have done the hard part by finding the assignment  -  do two things: 
1. Read - Sec. 11.1 Distance and Displacement
                Sec. 11. 2 Speed and Velocity
2. E-mail me the answers to Sec. 11.1 worksheet (ONLY DO # 2,5,7,10,12,16)
      EX. Answer- 2. F / 5. D  and so on.
    E-mail me the answers to Sec. 11.2 worksheet (ONLY DO # 2,4,13,16)
Do just the reading and e-mail me the answers to the ten question and that all you need to do for the week. E-mail me if you have any questions. Stay safe.