Week 3 April 6-9

Hey guys hope you all are well and finding ways to stay active. If there is anything I can do for you guys please let me know.
 This week I would like for you all to complete week three of your exercises just like you did in week one and two. Make sure to log these as week three (exercise examples and log can be found below). Remember to try and do a little more each week the goal is to be building up just like when we run the pacer we want to improve our numbers not regress. 
 The second assignment for this week is to watch the video and read the article on the Health Triangle (both posted below). This should help reinforce what we have covered earlier in the year. There is a worksheet below to work on once you have watched the video and completed the reading. 
I hope these assignments will be a great reminder of how important our health and wellness are. Thanks for everything you guys do. Hope to see you soon.
Coach Mitchell