Health vs Wellness- Covid 19 (April 6-10)

Hello Everyone!
Did you know that "health" and "wellness" have absolutley two separate meanings.  This week we are going to discover ways for you to remain healthy and well not only throughout this Covid-19 pandemic, but hopefully you can use these tools/skills and carry them with you throughout your life.
As we continue to transition more into the online activities of learning,over the next few weeks,  I hope that all of you are finding ways to be to remain healthy and well during this time.
Also, here are some quizlets with vocab that we always need to know and is revelvant for the CNA state exam. 
Refer to your Google Classroom for activities of continued learnng.
Any questions, feel free to reach out through email @ [email protected]
Have a great week everyone!
Hope to see you soon!
Ms. Ingram