Mr. Jason W. Hitt » Posts


Being A Good Citizen

1. Vote.  When you turn 18, you will be allowed to register to vote.  From that point onward you will have a direct say in who you put in office.  At 18, you also have to register for the Selective Service System in case there is a draft at your local post office or online.
2. Stay informed. You should know enough about your city, your state, and your country to cast your vote wisely.
3. Jury duty. At some point in your life you may be called to sit on a jury, which is a group of citizens who are called to a courtroom to hear and decide a legal case and determine whether someone is innocent or guilty of a crime.
4. Pay taxes. You have already been paying taxes, but perhaps you didn't realize it.  Every time you buy anything in Tennessee, you pay sales tax, which supports your state and local governments. 
5. Respond to a call of duty.  There have been many times in the history of Tennessee and the United States when the government asked people to go fight against a foreign enemy, or to serve their country in some other way.  We owe all of our freedom to the people who have defended the United States in such times.  By the way, the reason Tennessee is known as the "Volunteer State" is because of how quickly Tennesseans have responded to the government's call to raise an army.
6. Tolerate. Tennessee and the United States are based on the idea of tolerance. Not everyone here looks the same, talks the same, thinks the same or believes the same.  That's okay.
7. Help others. There are times when people in our country, our state and our town need help.  You should help your community if you are able.  It makes it a better place for all of us when you do.
8. Obey the laws. As you grow older, you will decide whether to be a law-abiding citizen or a person who chooses not to obey the laws.  This is a decision no one can make for you.


Seniors are required to create a poster board depicting the steps in the voting process that are listed below.

The steps are:  checking in, getting a voting code, entering code at the voting machine, inserting voting sheet, voting for a candidate, & scanning the voting sheet once voting is completed. 

**Bonus extras:  include references to the 15th and 19th voting amendments in your posters.

***This is a REQUIRED civics project, mandated by the state of Tennessee.***

Government Test and Project

All seniors are required to take and pass a government examination that covers the basics of the government of the United States in addition to completing a government project in order to graduate.  The test and project are mandated by Tennessee state law.

Academic Team and Key Club

I co-sponsor the Key Club and it is a student service club that is partnered with the Sweetwater Kiwanis Club. We practice the golden rule and service to others and the community.  If you are interested in Key Club please see Mr. Thompson or Mr. Hitt.
I also coach the SHS Academic Bowl Team,  we are a group of students that participate in academic competitions at school and in various other competitions throughout the school year.

My Class Schedule 2023-2024

Fall 2023 Schedule
1st period- Economics
2nd period-Government and Civics
3rd period-Economics
4th period-Government and Civics
5th period-Economics
6th period-Seminar/Chaos/ACT Prep.
7th period-Planning
8th period-Government and Civics
Spring 2024 Schedule
1st period-Government and Civics
2nd period-Economics
3rd period-Government and Civics
4th period-Economics
5th period-Government and Civics
6th period-Seminar/Chaos/ACT Prep.
7th period-Planning
8th period-Economics
During 7th period is when I am available to answer any questions you have and I will also make telephone calls as needed during this time or after school if the need arises.  If you have questions do not hesitate to ask me.

The Hitt Family
July 4, 2023 (My Second Favorite Holiday)
Me(Mr. Hitt), my wife(Brandi), my daughter(Jaysi; I am holding her.), my sons(Brayden/Youngest, Branson/Oldest).
The Hitt Family 

Shark Tank Project for Economics

My students will be coming up with business and product ideas and try to pitch their ideas in order to get funding from a mock Shark Tank group.  This is one of the projects we will be working on in class.


Unit 1 Scarcity and Economic Reasoning
Unit 2 Supply and Demand
Unit 3 Market Structures
Unit 4 The Role of Government
Unit 5 National Economic Performance
Unit 6 Trade